New HVAC System Financing in Boise, idaho

When your furnace or air conditioner goes out and it's time to replace your system, there are a lot of options available to you.

new hvac system meridian idaho

At Gem Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand that indoor air quality, heating and cooling purchases can stretch the budget. Our financing program can help fill the gap. This easier way to pay makes it more affordable to achieve your home comfort goals.

Contact our team for more information on our financing options!


Financing Made Easy

We offer some easy HVAC system financing options that our team can go over with you and discuss the best route for your purchase. When hiring Gem Heating & Air Conditioning of Boise, Idaho, we always offer our customers a variety of choices based on warranty, efficiency rating & more. It is our job to make your experience as easy as possible.

You have lots of choices including:

  • Heating and cooling capacity
  • Energy efficiency options
  • Warranties
smart thermostats boise

The last thing anyone wants is to tackle a home project underfunded and making a rash decision! We work with all budgets and scope of work by providing you a range of options and solutions that you can choose from.

Most of our customers utilize an easy payment solution to free up the cash needed to tackle this project. We have teamed up with Hearth financing, a payment company that specializes in home renovation projects, especially furnace and air conditioning so they know the ins and outs!

Call us to get an estimate scheduled.

This free appointment is 60-90 minutes and we will be able to cover your projects needs in depth and find a solution that best suits your needs.